Paris Fragrances USA
Burro di Cupuacu - Naturale Non Raffinato
Burro di Cupuacu - Naturale Non Raffinato
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Burro di Cupuaçu Prodotto Naturale, Non Raffinato, Sostenibile della Foresta Amazzonica Brasiliana
Nome scientifico - Theobroma grandiflorum
Parte della pianta: semi
Origine - Brasile
Metodo di lavorazione - Spremuto a freddo
Estratto del prodotto - Burro cremoso ed emolliente, che offre un'eccezionale idratazione per pelle e capelli. Il Burro di Cupuacu stimola il recupero della naturale idratazione ed elasticità della pelle. Altamente benefico per pelle e capelli secchi e danneggiati, favorendo un'idratazione profonda e di lunga durata. La sua elevata capacità di assorbimento d'acqua, grazie ai suoi alti livelli di fitosterolo, rende Cupuacu un'efficace alternativa alla lanolina dai semi dell'albero di Cupuacu in Brasile. Il Cupuacu, in alcuni lotti, può presentare dei piccoli granelli, basta scaldarlo scompaiono.
SAP: 210-235
NaOH (oz): 0,159
KOH (oz): .223
Proprietà del burro di Cupuacu:
Ad alto contenuto di acidi grassi essenziali
Ricco di steroli
Altamente idratante ed emolliente
Elevato assorbimento d'acqua
Migliora l'elasticità della pelle
Può offrire protezione solare dai raggi UV-A e UV-B
Texture morbida e cremosa
Aiuta a stabilizzare le emulsioni
Aroma delicato
Il Burro di Cupuacu è un ingrediente altamente raccomandato nei prodotti per:
Pelle matura e invecchiata
Pelle secca e screpolata
Dermatite, eczema, psoriasi e altre malattie della pelle
Capelli secchi, fragili e danneggiati
Cura delle labbra
Deodoranti e altri prodotti per l'igiene personale
L'olio estratto dai semi di cupuaçu offre fantastiche proprietà per l'industria cosmetica. Il burro di cupuaçu è un trigliceride che ha una composizione equilibrata di acidi grassi saturi e insaturi, che conferisce al prodotto un basso punto di fusione (circa 30 °C) e l'aspetto di un solido morbido che penetra rapidamente a contatto con la pelle. Il burro di Cupuaçu ha un'elevata capacità di assorbire acqua, circa il 120% in più rispetto alla lanolina, e può fungere da sostituto vegetale. Contiene fitosteroli (soprattutto beta-sitosterolo) che agiscono a livello cellulare per regolare l'equilibrio idrico e l'attività dei lipidi nello strato superficiale della pelle. La sua capacità di assorbire grandi quantità di acqua può essere attribuita ai ponti di idrogeno formati tra le molecole d'acqua e i fitosteroli.
Tutti i nostri oli, burri e prodotti bioattivi vengono estratti dalle piante amazzoniche utilizzando metodi chimici liberi (senza l'uso di reagenti chimici o solventi). Questo metodo di Estrazione a Freddo permette di produrre prodotti di alta qualità, come oli, grassi, saponi ed estratti di erbe; inoltre, preserva i composti bioattivi che si trovano nelle materie prime.
Sono specie selvatiche che crescono naturalmente nella foresta amazzonica, estratte in modo sostenibile senza l'uso di pesticidi e fertilizzanti. I nostri prodotti sono cruelty free.
Il prodotto può subire variazioni di colore, viscosità e altri fattori a seconda della raccolta e della temperatura locale.
Paris Fragrances non è responsabile per l'uso improprio nella manipolazione dei nostri prodotti né siamo responsabili per il risultato finale del tuo prodotto. Consulta la nostra pagina sulla politica del negozio
Il cupuaçu, originario dell'Amazzonia, è un piccolo albero che misura dai 4 agli 8 metri (quando coltivato) o fino a 18 m (quando cresce allo stato selvatico). Appartiene alla stessa famiglia del cacao. Il frutto è molto grande, di forma cilindrica con estremità arrotondate, lungo fino a 30 cm, e ha un peso medio di 1,2 chilogrammi. A maturità i frutti cadono, privi del peduncolo, quando iniziano a rilasciare un caratteristico odore, che indica che sono maturi. Il frutto contiene una polpa succosa e cremosa, dal sapore caratteristico, che circonda da 20 a 30 semi ovali grandi. Il burro di cupuaçu, simile al "burro" di cacao ma di qualità superiore, viene estratto dai semi e contiene circa il 45% di olio. Nelle piantagioni commerciali la produzione di frutti inizia nel 3° anno e gli alberi producono una media di 12 frutti per albero, all'anno, quando sono maturi. Si consiglia di piantare 180 alberi per ettaro, che producono circa 2148 frutti all'anno, 990 kg di polpa e 443 kg di semi (un frutto medio è composto da 38,4% polpa, 17,2% semi e 44,4% buccia). In generale, 1000 kg di semi freschi produrranno 135 kg di burro di cupuaçu.
- SAP: 210-235
- NaOH (oz): 0.159
- KOH (oz): .223
Cupuacu Butter Properties:
- High in Essential Fatty Acids
- Rich in Sterols
- Highly Moisturizing and Emollient
- High Water Absorption
- Improves Skin Elasticity
- May Offer Sun Protection from UV-A and UV-B Rays
- Soft, Creamy Texture
- Helps to Stabilize Emulsions
- Mild Aroma
The derived oil from cupuaçu seeds presents exceptional properties tailored for the cosmetic industry. Cupuaçu butter, a triglyceride with a meticulously balanced fusion of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, bestows the product with a remarkably low melting point (around 30°C). This attribute grants it a soft solid form that swiftly permeates upon skin contact.
Cupuaçu butter showcases an unparalleled water-absorption capacity, surpassing lanolin by a staggering 120%. This impressive trait positions it as a potent botanical substitute. Enriched with phytosterols, notably beta-sitosterol, it functions at a cellular level, adeptly regulating water equilibrium and lipid activity in the skin's outermost layer.
Its exceptional water absorption ability is owed to the formation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules and phytosterols, cementing its efficacy.
The Cupuacu Butter, in some batches, may present some small grains, just warm it up they will disappear.
Each of our oils, butters, and bioactive products arises from an unwavering extraction process of Amazonian plants, entirely devoid of chemical intervention (absolutely no chemical reagents or solvents employed). Through this meticulously chosen Cold Extraction technique, we retain the entire spectrum of bioactive compounds inherent in the raw constituents.
Our bioactives are derived from wild species that naturally flourish in the Amazon rainforest. These are extracted sustainably, without the utilization of pesticides or fertilizers. Additionally, our products are cruelty-free.
The product may be subject to variation in color, viscosity, and other factors depending on the harvesting and local temperature.
Cupuacu Butter is a highly recommended ingredient in products for:
- Mature, Aging Skin
- Dry, Cracked Skin
- Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis and Other Skin Conditions
- Dry, Brittle and Damaged Hair
- Lip Care
- Deodorants and Other Personal Hygiene Products
VIRGIN CUPUAÇU BUTTER (Theobroma grandiflorum)
Product: VIRGIN CUPUAÇU BUTTER (Theobroma grandiflorum)
Product ID: 003
Production process: Cold extraction
Origin: Amazonian Rainforest, agroforestry systems
Product use: Personal Care Formulations
Classification according to EC regulation 1272/2008 (CLP):
This substance is not classified as hazardous according to regulation (EC) 1272/2008 [CLP].
Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC or 1999/45/EC
This preparation is not classified as dangerous according to 1999/45/EC.
Classification according to EC regulation 1272/2008 (CLP):
Signal word: Not applicable
2.1. Hazard Pictograms: Not applicable
2.2. Hazard Statements: Not applicable
2.3. Safety Precautions
2.3.1. General Precautionary statements P101: If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand
P102: Keep out of reach of children P103: Read label before use
2.3.2. Prevention precautionary statements P261: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray.
P272: Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace.
P280: Wear protective gloves.
P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/ doctor/ according to your area.
P302 + P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water and soap P302: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.
P321:Specific treatment – see on this label P330: Rinse mouth
P333 + P313: If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention.
P362 + P364: Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. P405: Store locked up.
P501: Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/ regional/
national/ international regulations
Labelling (67/548/EEC or 1999/45/EC)
2.1. Hazard Symbol: Not applicable
2.2. Risk Phrases: Not applicable
2.3. Safety Phrases S02 - Keep out of the reach of children.
S23 - Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapor/spray (appropriate wording to be specified by the manufacturer).
S37- Wear suitable gloves.
S62 - If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label
Substance or mixture: Substance
Ingredients: Cupuaçu seeds
INCI name Theobroma grandiflorum seed butter
Hazardous Components: Not a hazardous material under the Department of Labor definitions. Is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) under the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
According to Classification 1999/45/EC not classified as hazardous According to Classification 1272/2208 not classified as hazardous
REACH status (EC 1907/2006) This product is according to Annex 5, §9 exempted from the registration
CAS #: 394236-97-6
EINECS #: 609-676-7
SECTION 4 – First Aid Measures
Description of necessary measures, subdivided according to the different routes of exposure
Eyes: Flush eyes with plenty of water of eye wash solution for at least 15
minutes - get medical attention if irritation persists
Skin: Wash with soap and water - get medical attention if irritation persists
Ingestion: If ingested in large amounts can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
Inhalation: Under mist conditions, no short term inhalation limits
Acute: Not known.
Flash point and Method: Not determined
Autoignition: Not determined
Boiling point: Not determined
Extinguishing Media: CO2, Dry Chemical, Foam
Special Fire Fighting
Procedures: Class B Fire; Application of water to burning oil can cause splattering; oil
will float; use air supplied equipment for fighting interior fires.
Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards:
Explosion Hazard: None
Possible risk of auto ignition/spontaneous combustion under high temperature/closed conditions if material
is absorbed on various matrices and oxygen present.
If material is spilled: No specific hazards: material is non-hazardous; if in mist form and levels
are above 15g/m3 (total), a dust mask and goggles are required
Personal Precautions:
Respiratory Protection: Not normally needed
Ventilation: Intermittent clean air exchanges recommended, but not required
Protection gloves: Not normally needed
Eye Protection: Not normally needed
Environmental precautions: Dispose of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations
Handling: No special requirements
Storage requirements for storage areas and containers:
Shelf life: Store in a cool, dry location, in a sealed container, don´t expose to direct sunlight, keep storing temperature below 77ºF (25ºC)
24 months, should be stored tightly sealed, protected from light and heat
Eye Protection: Safety Glasses
Skin Protection: N/A
Respiratory Protection: Not needed under normal conditions of use
Ventilation: Area should be well ventilated
Special: N/A
Mechanical: N/A
Other Protective Clothing: None
Work/Hygienic Practices: Normal work and hygiene practices for handling non-hazardous liquid material
Physical State: Solid
Appearance: White to cream
Odour: Characteristic
Specific density : N/D
Solubility in water: Insoluble
Liquid surface tension: 25 dynes/cm @ 20ºC
Melting point: 25 - 35º C
Vapor pressure (mm Hg): N/A
Evaporation rate: Greater than 1
Water reactive: No
Stability: Generally stable, becomes rancid on extended exposure to air, avoid
strong oxidizers
Conditions to avoid: N/A
Incompatibility: None
Hazardous Decomposition Products N/A
Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur
Acute toxicity: Acute effects are not expected after exposure to the product. DL50 oral: not determined
DL50 dermal: not determined CL50: not determined
Skin irritation: May cause mild skin irritation
Eye irritation: May cause mild irritation to eyes
Respiratory or skin sensitization not expected sensitizing effects after exposure to the product
Germ cell mutagenicity not expected that the product presents mutagenic potential
Carcinogenicity Not expected that the product has carcinogenic potential
Reproductive toxicity Not expected that the product present to potential toxicity reproduction
Systemic target organ toxicity -
single exposure Systemic effects are not expected after a single exposure to the product
Systemic target organ toxicity –
repeated exposure systemic effects are not expected after repeated and prolonged
exposure to the product
Aspiration Hazard not determined
Ecotoxicity: Product does not present risk
Persistence and degradability Good degradability
Bioaccumulative potential No bioaccumulation
Mobility in Soil Well-tolerated
Other Adverse Effects Not determined
Waste Disposal Method(s): Physically clean up, check local landfill disposal requirements
DOT classification: Not a DOT controlled material (USA); ship as raw material for
cosmetically use, not to be loaded with incompatible materials including poisons.
Class/Divison: Not restricted
Proper shipping name: N/A
Label: None
Packing group: N/A
ID number: N/A
Hazard: N/A
Immediate (Acute) Health: N
Sudden Release of Pressure: N
Delayed (Chronic) Health: N
Reactivity: N
Fire: N
State Right-To-Know (RTK) Information: Check with specific state authorities since regulations vary within the states.
To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate and is provided in good faith to comply with applicable federal and state laws. However, we cannot assume any liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein.
Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user.
All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution, although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards which exist.
NA = Not Applicable ND = Not Determined
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In case your order is returned to us as undeliverable, don't worry. We'll hold it in our showroom for 15 days, and we'll be happy to arrange a reshipment for you, though there will be a second shipping fee.
Once your package leaves our warehouse, we understand that we can't control its journey, and shipping delays can happen. We are not responsible for any such delays or errors caused by the shipping carrier.
Once USPS or UPS confirms the delivery of your order to your door or mailbox, we consider it delivered. However, if, in unfortunate circumstances, the box is stolen or lost after delivery, we kindly ask for your understanding that we cannot be held responsible.
Please note that certain extraordinary circumstances, like acts of God, which are beyond our control, such as natural disasters, may cause unforeseen interference with carrier routes, leading to shipping delays. Regrettably, we cannot be held responsible for such situations.
If, by any chance, you receive your order duplicated, please let us know, and we'll promptly send you a return label to send the extra products back to our warehouse.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly customer support team. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to serving you!
Return Policy
Return Policy
We take great care in inspecting all products before packing to ensure their quality. Upon receiving your order, please kindly check it for any damages. If you do come across any issues, please reach out to us at within 48 hours of delivery, and we'll be glad to assist you.
Please note that any claims must be made within 30 days of the order being delivered. For eligible items that are unused and in saleable condition, we will provide a refund for the product price. However, shipping fees, duties, and taxes are non-refundable.
To maintain the high standards of our product offerings, we regret to inform you that essential oils, fragrance oils, vegetable oils, and butters cannot be returned or eligible for refunds.
We truly value your satisfaction and are here to ensure you have a positive experience with our products. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your understanding and support!